Posts (Page 4)

Posts (Page 4)

Remembering Ms. Lenora

Join us as we remember Ms. Lenora Sun, Feb 12, 2023 @ 10:30 am – Celebration of Life Service at B’rit (in the Sanctuary) to be followed by Oneg/Repast (approx. 12:00 noon in the Fellowship Hall) Sun, Feb 12, 2023 @ 1:30 pm – Graveside Service at Memorial Park Cemetery (5668 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN; plan to meet at office and travel to the graveside together) Obituary

WOR: Set Free

Set Free – Rom 8:1-5 In Romans Ch. 6, Paul introduced the concept of us being “dead to sin” in Messiah Yeshua. Then he went on a very justified rabbinical, “bunny trail” into what that actually means. Here in Romans Ch. 8, Paul returns to discuss what the result is. What does it look like now that we are dead to sin? John leads us on an exploration of that question…