Understanding Islam, ISIS, and the Middle East
This seminar covers the basics of Islam’s origins, and the basic underlying drivers for their actions in today’s world. We will cover what is of primary importance for Islam, and how the desire for a world caliphate motivates their push into every country. We will cover Islam’s expansion in the Middle East, and their drive into Europe and the world. We will address the often stated ‘radical v moderate’ Muslim debate; and their intended pathway to Islamise countries. This seminar is not based on fear and hate, but on the ‘answer’ as prayer and love with awareness (which has been the received feedback from past seminars). We are in a spiritual battle with a spiritual force, and we need to know how to win for Jesus.
Learn more about:
- The mindset of Islam & its many groups.
- Their historic & modern expansion; their goals and impact on the world.
- How to pray specifically, and have love with awareness.
Israel and the Church
This seminar covers the history of God working with his chosen people through their various covenants. We discover God’s eternal plan was to have a people for himself from every nation, starting with his Chosen people Israel. We cover God’s inclusion of the Gentiles under the New Covenant, and examine if Gentiles have now replaced Israel as God’s covenant people, or is God’s ‘church’ made up of both Jew and Gentile as one. We finish with an examination of Israel in today’s Middle East conflict, and God’s missional commission ‘To the Jew First’ (Rom.1:16-17).
- Has the Church Replaced Israel?
- Is there still a place for Israel & the Jewish people?
- Should the Church reach out to Israel & the Jewish people; if so, how?
Dr Ashley Crane is a leading Pentecostal scholar (Ph.D Murdoch), ministering in a prophetic anointing throughout Australasia and the USA in many churches, conferences, and leadership training seminars; he is zealous to see people fully trained and flowing in both the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. Dr Crane has been in ministry for 39 years, and pastored 5 cross-cultural churches in Israel, the USA, and Australia. Ashley was the Principal/CEO of Harvest West Bible College for 18 years; then was Sr Lecturer at Harvest Bible College. He is now part time volunteer at Sound City Church (WA); and is the VP / Secretary for Celebrate Messiah (Messianic Jewish ministry Australia), and the head of Dry Bones Ministry.
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