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What is Shavuot? – Part 2

This Shavuot is not like the others. Normally we would be gathering together in person to worship in Holy Convocation and that would be followed by an Oneg. This year, 2020, that is not an option that we have. So how are we going to celebrate Shavuot? Shavuot is a special Shabbat day that starts this year, 2020, on Thursday evening, May 28.  Many of our people will…

What is Shavuot? – Part 1

Shavuot is almost here! This is the feast that we have been Counting the Omer towards for almost fifty days now. So what is Shavuot? Shavuot is a Hebrew word that means “Weeks” and that name derives from the fact that we have been counting up seven weeks— forty-nine days—from the Feast of First Fruits within the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and then Shavuot is the next day,…

Getting It Right

Yom Kippur gives us the chance to get it right. Right with HaShem and right with one another. This day is a day of national repentance and cleansing, so that the Jewish people can intercede for all nations during Sukkot. But, every nation, every kingdom, is made of individuals. Each of us must address our issues individually, so we can address our national sins before The…